Thank you for making the 
2022 NJ Age-Friendly Virtual Fair a huge success!  Event materials are catalogued on this webpage.

Insights from the Inaugural NJ Age-Friendly Virtual Fair

Click here for slides 

Event Information

Virtual Bulletin Board

Click on the image to the left to view the event's Virtual Bulletin Board on Padlet. Featured: messages from the organizers, participant introductions, and additional session handouts.

Program Guide

Click on the image to the right to view the NJ Age-Friendly Virtual Fair 2022 Program Guide.

Table Descriptions

Now includes links to video recordings! Click on the image to the left to view detailed descriptions of each table session. 

Table Presentations at a Glance

Click the document to the right to open the full list of 34 presentations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the image to the left to learn more about this event's goals, format, audience, and more.